A few weeks ago, Chris and I got bored. What do I usually do when I'm bored? I go shopping. Obviously. Well, Chris doesn't like shopping. Backup plan: makeover.
Chris and I went nuts with Pintrest recipes for facial scrubs. We looked so pretty. It was also really relaxing and made us feel so baby smooth. Granted, these were night high class, expensive scrubs that will work miracles on our skin, but they were fun, and we had fun being goofy.
We tried a few recipes I can't find the link to anywhere.... basically, baking soda and milk; dry, and wash off in circular motion. (pictured below)
And then we tried this detox bath: http://healthylivinghowto.com/1/post/2012/01/detoxification-part-i-healing-waters.html
(No pictures of this one, sorry guys. ;-) )
This was just a very simple night, but it was so nice. I recommend forcing your loves to do this with you. ;-)
The Johnson's Junk
Wednesday, January 16, 2013
Tuesday, January 1, 2013
Ring In the New Year
January 1st. A day to clean up from the holidays. A day to stop celebrating, and start getting serious about turning your life around. Make changes. Stop eating sugar. Smile more. Stop gossiping. Be more charitable. Etc, etc.
I have mixed feelings about Resolutions. Do I like the idea of making goals and trying to change for the better (I would hope...)? Absolutely! The part I don't like is the timing.
Every person starts off at a full sprint today; you are PUMPED about 2013, and THIS is going to be the best year of your life with this new and improved you! Congratulations! ... And then the end of February rolls around, you've got seasonal depression from the lack of holidays and sunshine, and you no longer even remember your original goals....
It's really a trap because ever goal needs a good starting push, a good motivator, and what better time is there than a whole new year to start fresh and create a new identity for yourself? The problem is, you have the bad habits you have (or the lack of hobbies) because they're fun/easy, and with nothing else to really distract you, it's all too easy to fall back into your old way of life.
I think it's so crucial to make and keep goals you have set in order to really feel happy about yourself and your life. But not having the right push can make it almost impossible.
Maybe this is just me and most of the people in my life. Maybe you NEED to have nothing else distracting you in order to keep in line with your original goal. I can understand that. But if you just read this "paragraph", and shook your head "no", here are some goal setting tips and tricks that have not worked for me (but might work for you), and some that have.
HAVE NOT WORKED FOR ME (but might work for you):
Sticky notes every where. I don't like the clutter, so the sticky notes really just end up driving me crazy more than they help. But it is good to have that constant reminder.
String around your finger/wrist. If it's not jewelry, it will drive me insane to have it on my body all day, and if it IS jewelry, I won't think twice about it. But again, the constant reminder is good.
Pictures of the end goal. Back to the clutter, but the constant reminder.
Support group. Right?! This should be the best. I think mainly I just surround myself with the wrong support group or I don't stick to my guns when I'm pressured (while changing habits).
HAVE WORKED FOR ME (and might help you, too)
Pictures of the consequences of staying the same. As a kid, I would use pictures of disgusting mouths to remind me to brush my teeth. Those visuals stuck with me. You can bet I still brush my teeth regularly. (I even have spares in my car if I'm rushed.). I now use images of health issues followed by not exercising or eating healthily. If your goal is charity work, you could use children of starving children or battered wives, whatever your poison may be.
Set reminders in your phone. I have to be honest here, this works for me, but only after the third or fourth alarm for some things. I really have to have a push, but I know that about myself, which is why I will set three or four alarms. (I also do this before getting out of bed in the morning...)
Throwing out any temptations. This is more specifically for junk food, but if you have other time wasting items that are unnecessary, do it. Don't worry about wasting food; the logic behind eating all of the junk food so it's not wasted is flawed and counter acts your goal. If you're worried about waste, don't buy it in the first place...
Part 2: Look at the monetary aspect behind repurchasing that stuff and how it will go to ware again if you do. If money is no object, let's switch lives. You'll understand why this works for me.
Pros and cons list of remaining stagnant and making changes.
Starting when it's a good time for you rather than when it's a good time for everyone else. (ie, New Years). Don't try making changes when there are already so many going on. (Moving, new job, etc. Too much on one's shoulders) Do it when you feel ready!
Starting small. Seeing the little things change first allow me to check off more boxes quickly. Quick progress is what impatient little me needs to see. It's like paying off debt.
There are a lot more, but my brain is tired from a late night ringing in the new year, and an early to rise lifestyle. :-/. If you have tricks or tips to share with me, please do!
I am an avid supporter of making goals and moving forward because honestly, if you aren't moving forward, you're probably really unhappy, and I don't want to be around that nonsense! And I am willing to bet that most other people feel the same way. Plus, we just need better people, and more positivity these days.
Whether you chose to make resolutions now or in your own time, I hope you find the willpower to make it stick. It only takes three days to start a new habit!! (And something like six weeks to break a bad one... But in the grand scheme of things, six weeks is a drop in the bucket.)
I have mixed feelings about Resolutions. Do I like the idea of making goals and trying to change for the better (I would hope...)? Absolutely! The part I don't like is the timing.
Every person starts off at a full sprint today; you are PUMPED about 2013, and THIS is going to be the best year of your life with this new and improved you! Congratulations! ... And then the end of February rolls around, you've got seasonal depression from the lack of holidays and sunshine, and you no longer even remember your original goals....
It's really a trap because ever goal needs a good starting push, a good motivator, and what better time is there than a whole new year to start fresh and create a new identity for yourself? The problem is, you have the bad habits you have (or the lack of hobbies) because they're fun/easy, and with nothing else to really distract you, it's all too easy to fall back into your old way of life.
I think it's so crucial to make and keep goals you have set in order to really feel happy about yourself and your life. But not having the right push can make it almost impossible.
Maybe this is just me and most of the people in my life. Maybe you NEED to have nothing else distracting you in order to keep in line with your original goal. I can understand that. But if you just read this "paragraph", and shook your head "no", here are some goal setting tips and tricks that have not worked for me (but might work for you), and some that have.
HAVE NOT WORKED FOR ME (but might work for you):
Sticky notes every where. I don't like the clutter, so the sticky notes really just end up driving me crazy more than they help. But it is good to have that constant reminder.
String around your finger/wrist. If it's not jewelry, it will drive me insane to have it on my body all day, and if it IS jewelry, I won't think twice about it. But again, the constant reminder is good.
Pictures of the end goal. Back to the clutter, but the constant reminder.
Support group. Right?! This should be the best. I think mainly I just surround myself with the wrong support group or I don't stick to my guns when I'm pressured (while changing habits).
HAVE WORKED FOR ME (and might help you, too)
Pictures of the consequences of staying the same. As a kid, I would use pictures of disgusting mouths to remind me to brush my teeth. Those visuals stuck with me. You can bet I still brush my teeth regularly. (I even have spares in my car if I'm rushed.). I now use images of health issues followed by not exercising or eating healthily. If your goal is charity work, you could use children of starving children or battered wives, whatever your poison may be.
Set reminders in your phone. I have to be honest here, this works for me, but only after the third or fourth alarm for some things. I really have to have a push, but I know that about myself, which is why I will set three or four alarms. (I also do this before getting out of bed in the morning...)
Throwing out any temptations. This is more specifically for junk food, but if you have other time wasting items that are unnecessary, do it. Don't worry about wasting food; the logic behind eating all of the junk food so it's not wasted is flawed and counter acts your goal. If you're worried about waste, don't buy it in the first place...
Part 2: Look at the monetary aspect behind repurchasing that stuff and how it will go to ware again if you do. If money is no object, let's switch lives. You'll understand why this works for me.
Pros and cons list of remaining stagnant and making changes.
Starting when it's a good time for you rather than when it's a good time for everyone else. (ie, New Years). Don't try making changes when there are already so many going on. (Moving, new job, etc. Too much on one's shoulders) Do it when you feel ready!
Starting small. Seeing the little things change first allow me to check off more boxes quickly. Quick progress is what impatient little me needs to see. It's like paying off debt.
There are a lot more, but my brain is tired from a late night ringing in the new year, and an early to rise lifestyle. :-/. If you have tricks or tips to share with me, please do!
I am an avid supporter of making goals and moving forward because honestly, if you aren't moving forward, you're probably really unhappy, and I don't want to be around that nonsense! And I am willing to bet that most other people feel the same way. Plus, we just need better people, and more positivity these days.
Whether you chose to make resolutions now or in your own time, I hope you find the willpower to make it stick. It only takes three days to start a new habit!! (And something like six weeks to break a bad one... But in the grand scheme of things, six weeks is a drop in the bucket.)
Monday, December 24, 2012
It's His Birthday!! (He doesn't feel like crying.)
Today is the birthday of my sweetest man-faced husband ever!! I know it's also Christmas Eve, but I won't be celebrating that until 5pm tonight. Christmas Eve isn't a real holiday. Nothing happened today. Well, my husband was born some even years ago (*cough* 26 *cough*). I'd say that was something. To get you through this day without Chris, I've included some pictures of my husband pie-pants from this year. Tell him HaPpY bIrThDaY!!!!
Loveland Loveland
Thursday, November 22, 2012
It’s that time of the year.
You know: the food, the family, and the shopping. A time for gratitude blogs and facebook
updates. On this day, there’s this
tradition: expressing gratitude for the blessings in your life. This happens one day a year, and it’s all
based on a twelve letter word marked on the Calendar. The fourth Thursday every November…
Gratitude is not something I’ve had an issue with. My issue has always been expressing that
gratitude year-round. Chris and I often
need a reminder, or a little slap-in-the-face to show our appreciation for the
abundant blessings in our lives.
Well, I’m not perfect (Chris is pretty close), but while
this is on my mind, I’m going to list the blessings in Chris and my life for a
year. Hopefully, as I read this blog in
the future, I’ll get a nice nudge to give thanks. There are the standard ones, which always
come easy. As the list progresses…. Well,
I’ll just say, this could get interesting…
Marriage to the sweetest man in
America (I don’t mean to ruffle any feathers.
I’m just stating the facts.).
Chris and I both have well-paying,
full-time jobs which allow us to live comfortably and avoid the poor newlywed
horror stories…. (And this is where something bad happens…)
Two well-running cars, allowing us
to read point A to point B in less than a week.
The restored gospel on the earth
which allows Chris and I the fullest happiness we could have.
The Book of Mormon
Amazing friends who help us laugh
and make memories.
Emmi. She always does the craziest thing.
Healthy food that allows my body
to be strengthened and nourished (yes, even donuts).
Donuts. Oviously.
Trees that produce Oxygen (yup,
all of them).
Trees that produce shade.
Trees to be cut down and used to
build homes.
Modern homes with built in heating
and cooling systems.
Indoor plumbing.
Double stuffed Oreos
Fantasy football
Fantasy football victories.
Dr. Pepper
Crockpots because I am the epitome
of lazy
Color printers
Kleenex with built-in lotion
Sore throat spray
Speatmint gum. Could there be a tastier gum
The fact that there’s no true
negative impact on your body when you accidentally swallow you gum…
Hot water heaters
Cleaver people who created
slippers that look like shoes… Especially on days like today.
Fashion geniuses who decide that
sometimes, modest really IS hottest.
My family.
Chris’s family.
White Christmas lights. So pure, and classy.
Toe stocks. Don’t judge me.
Touch screens.
Technology that will soon allow me
to simply THINK, and it will obey my commands.
Elf. The movie.
For comedic relief.
Can openers. Can you imagine how terrible it would be
opening cans without a can opener? Yuck.
Doctors who are either brilliant
or insane. One is great for advice. The other is great to make fun of.
Paper plates. Sometimes we just don’t want to wash dishes.
Drugs. I mean over the counter. Not Meth.
Health insurance
A president to run the country
Extension Cords. This makes location so much easier!
Conditioner. My hair is also grateful.
Hair that will grow back after an
awful haircut.
Pintrest. I lack the creativity to know these things on
my own. I have a real problem
Fans. All of them.
Coozies. They’re just fun to play with.
Vanilla Steamers from Starbucks.
Hair dryers. For cold feet. And for hair, I guess.
Car Insurance
Seat belts
Mugs with handles. Such sophistication.
PBS. I love Big Bird, too, Mr. Romney.
Insane people. Best.
Insane asylums. I like to laugh, but I also like safety.
Blue Ray. My eyes have never been so happy.
Double-sided tape. Yes, please.
Fudge. Don’t mind if I do!
Baby clothes. Because they’re cute.
Zoos. They allow me to learn about animals.
Public schools which will likely
teach your children nothing, but will make them some tough cookies.
Picture frames.
Paint brushes. Can you imagine trying to paint without
one? (Your children can. Finger painting.)
Babies. They make the world a cuter place.
Fun socks. Keep your feet warm AND easily pair those bad
boys up on laundry day.
Beginners’ Piano book.
Fire places
Scentsy. Because I live with a man…
Vacuum. Might as well keep everything clean.
Secret tunnels
Pillow forts
Kitchen Aid. Again, lazy.
Hulu Plus. So much cheaper than cable or satellite.
Post offices
Disney movies
Music in Disney movies
Walkie Talkies
Hard wood floor
Area rugs
Speedy computers
Traditional Thanksgiving
meals. Why on earth is there an unspoken
rule that Pumpkin pie can only be made this time of year? I would like to spit directly on that rule.
Pop rocks
Jennifer Stewart.
Cell phones
Solar powered calculators
Dead bolts
Paper towels
Charmin Toilet paper
Double-Ply Charmin Toilet paper
Swiffer Duster
Nasal Spray
Wrangler Jeans
Black Friday Sales
Metallic wrapping paper
Mistletoe. Of course.
Shower curtains. When I shower, I do not enjoy being watched.
Kids who say the dardest things
Nail polish remover
Infinity scarves
Malls. Of all sorts.
So convenient.
Window screens. Stay out my house, bug.
Adam Sandler
Story Time: My cousin (technically, Chris’s cousin),
Megan, and her husband, Jason, are curreclty in Hawaii. They have a little man, Jack, who is a year
and half. Jack was getting away, and his
parents were calling for him to come back, “Jack! Jack!
Come back here, Jack!” They heard
a stranger say, “You don’t have to listen to them, Jack.” They looked up, and it was Adam Sandler.
Had it been anyone else, I’m sure
I would have been really grumpy that a stranger would give my child that
permission. Adam Sandler, though… No
more anger.
Jon Header
Bench Warmers, the movie. I can relate.
Bench Warmers, the life. I can relate.
Napoleon Dynamite, the movie and
the person. Go make yourself a dang
Quesadilla makers
Madden 13…
Deviled Eggs
Baby whimpers. Lets me know we’re still needed.
Turkey-day football
Dishwashers. Especially after family gatherings. And every other day.
Hair gel
Power tooth brushes.
Listerine. Spearmint.
Water. Liquid, Solid, and gas.
Christmas Trees. Fake ones.
Weather. Depending.
Diamonds. Obviously.
Train sets
Credit Cards. When used responsibly.
Door Knobs
Bath tubs
Screw Drivers
Clear Ocean Water
Also, dirty Ocean Water
No longer dinosaurs. Try waking up to one of those bad boys in
your living room…
Women’s rights
Banned Books List. Makes for an intriguing read.
Fertility. You’re welcome, America.
Happy Stars. The exercise.
Not an actually burning balls of gas.
![]() |
Here is a Thanksgiving Intermission... You may laugh. |
Spray tans
Vietnamese women who chose to touch
nasty hands and feet all day for a living
Sippy cups. Both adults and babies need them.
Sledding. But only pair with a hill and snow. They’re otherwise useless.
Cocaine bread.
This is bread that is addicting, not bread with cocaine in it.
Powdered sugar
Washing Machines
Hollywood little people
Back tickles
Working from home
Finishing school eventually
Clap on lights
Curling Irons
Santa Clause. And other forms of tricking children into
Buggers. Otherwise… it may or may not get stuck in my
lungs. This fact is currently being
debated by Caylee and Ryan.
No Shave, November
Don’t shave, December
Just a few more months, January
Mustache March
Chapstick. ‘Cause my lips hurt real bad.
Parties. Also known as “Fiestas”
Kate and Leopold
Commet. The cleaner and the shooting star.
Glasses. For the safety of every driver… and
Pilots. To control the planes I am grateful for.
Lamp shades
Swing sets
Wrestling mats. Not for me.
For wrestlers.
Art teachers
Precious Moments. The brand and the moments of Preciousness.
Being grateful for 200 things
Stairs. Much easier than climbing a rope to make it
to the 2nd story.
When the first person to fall
asleep at a slumber party or regular party is not me
Warm sleeping bags
Camp fires
Parades. I would much rather sit perfectly still to
view floats than have to walk around to see them.
Face moisturizer
Food storage
Heating blankets
Shingles. Without them, the rain, snow, and wind would
ruin my home.
Alone time
Party time
Hot Chocolate
Warm blankets
Nail polish
Hair stylists
Taxi Drivers
Police officers
Passionate people
Sewing Machines
My mamma
Chris’s mamma
Water proof hiking boots
Wireless technology
Hot air balloons
Life jackets
That Chris and I were not on the
Frozen yogurt
Power windows
Power locks
Children’s books
Board games. Also, bored games.
My dad who is always around to
listen when I need to cry
My dad who gave me the best advice
I will have ever received in my mortal life
My dad who hurts my side making me
My brothers who have made me wet my
pants. Numerous times
My sisters who will vent to me,
and allow me to vent to them, even when I’m clearly being emotional
Windows 8
Beano, Pepcid, Tums, are we
catching a theme.
Birth control. This was Chris’s contribution…
Microsoft Office
Glitter. The STD of crafts
Talk Shows
Court shows
Ellen Degeneres
Live with Kelly (and whoever else
she’s with now…)
Wise grandparents
The American flag
Tall buildings
Elevators in those tall buildings
Water filters
Sun rises
Sun sets
Gummy worms
Girls’ night
Guys’ night
Common sense
Reasoning skills
The knowledge to budget for the
Hilarious YouTube videos
Hilarious commercials
The way babies smell
Disposable diapers
Chit chat
Sniggling. This was not a typo. It’s very similar to Snuggling, but with an “I”
instead of a “u”.
Inside jokes
Ping pong tables
Indoor gyms
Daycare centers
Hot dogs
Hot dog buns
Eye sight
The ability to hear
Muscle to function every day
without struggle
Holding hands
Stories of my parents in the past
My blankie
A full night’s sleep
Fire wood
The song of the Crickets
Pinocchio. He teaches great lessons.
Lysol Disinfectant wipes
Baby gates
Nerf Guns
Tickle time. I hate being tickled, but I love watching
other people squirm in discomfort.
Public Transportation. In Europe.
Animals dressed in human clothes
Humans dressed like Animals
Men in a crisp suit
Wilfred. The dog from the TV show.
Light bulbs
Pointe. (Ballet with the special shoes.)
Opera. Sometimes.
iPads… I don’t have one, but I
love them
Freedom to sing randomly in public
Thrift Stores
Consignment stores (There is a
Running shoes
Mr. Fox. He’s the fox outside Chris’s grandparent’s
home. They feed him hotdogs.
Food drives
Freedom to practice religion any
way I want
Public parks
Organizational bins
Comfortable boots
Jewelry. Obviously.
Scarves. All of them.
All of the amazing people I’ve
been surrounded by all day
Nerves. So I can appreciate the texture of my
Spontaneous dates
Peanut butter
Apple butter
I am so grateful to have 365
things to be grateful for.
Ahhh!! You somehow made
it to the end! (Although, let’s face
it. We both know you read the first
couple, maybe read a few in the middle, and read the last couple.) I know there are things on this list that
seem insane to bring attention to. They
seem so small and insignificant. Most of
these things are often over looked, and taken advantage of. That's a big problem with my gratitude. I am so used to having most of these things around that I don't think about it. Without tissues with lotion built-in, my nose would be a gross mess!
There were definitely times when I was stumped, but there
are so many other things I could easily fit on this list. I am so grateful for the abundant blessings I
have, and have determined to make an effort to notice one new thing that made
my life a little easier each day.
HaPpY tHaNkSGibLiNg!!!
(And good luck shopping on Black Friday!
May the odds be ever in your favor…)
Thursday, November 1, 2012
Bye Buddy, Hope You Find Your Dad!
For Halloween last year, Chris and I went as Mario and Princess Peach. I sewed Chris's overalls based on a pair of pants he has that are too big for him, and prayed for the best. He. Looked. Awesome. I am so sad now that I don't have a SINGLE picture from that night. :-( What was I thinking?!
This year, I was not even going to dress up. We moved into a new ward the same weekend most wards have their Halloween parties. We have no children to trick-or-treat with. Chris and I gave up raving parties weeks ago. (That was a joke.)
On Monday, I was asked to work in the office to train new employees this week. OtterBox takes dressing up very seriously, so I was not about to try ducking out of the biggest dress up day of the year.
Problem: I found out I needed a costume on Monday. Halloween was Wednesday. I have a track record of not going in a typical costume.
Chris and I went that night to gather supplies for our costumes (I would never exclude my hubs from the fun!) at Arc, Kohl's, and JoAnne's.
Long story short: I started on my costume the next morning, but didn't have much time (or motivation), didn't have much time that night, and again, not much time the next morning.
Between 3 short periods of measuring, cutting, pinning, and sewing, I completed our costumes.
Chris's costume is a graduation robe. My skirt had a tail on it. If you don't know what movie this is from, come out of your lonely box, and watch Elf. You will thank me.
(I can't add a video from my phone, so follow this link, and cry laughing: http://m.youtube.com/#/watch?v=OQ1a9LhkIoQ&desktop_uri=%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DOQ1a9LhkIoQ)
This year, I was not even going to dress up. We moved into a new ward the same weekend most wards have their Halloween parties. We have no children to trick-or-treat with. Chris and I gave up raving parties weeks ago. (That was a joke.)
On Monday, I was asked to work in the office to train new employees this week. OtterBox takes dressing up very seriously, so I was not about to try ducking out of the biggest dress up day of the year.
Problem: I found out I needed a costume on Monday. Halloween was Wednesday. I have a track record of not going in a typical costume.
Chris and I went that night to gather supplies for our costumes (I would never exclude my hubs from the fun!) at Arc, Kohl's, and JoAnne's.
Long story short: I started on my costume the next morning, but didn't have much time (or motivation), didn't have much time that night, and again, not much time the next morning.
Between 3 short periods of measuring, cutting, pinning, and sewing, I completed our costumes.
Chris's costume is a graduation robe. My skirt had a tail on it. If you don't know what movie this is from, come out of your lonely box, and watch Elf. You will thank me.
(I can't add a video from my phone, so follow this link, and cry laughing: http://m.youtube.com/#/watch?v=OQ1a9LhkIoQ&desktop_uri=%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DOQ1a9LhkIoQ)
Wednesday, October 24, 2012
Too Young to Die
I have been working later the last few weeks, but I work at home, so it's no big deal. However, I've been training at work this week, so I've been leaving at 8:15ish by myself when the building is scarce.
It's not bad enough that I'm walking to my car late at night as a pretty girl, but this is what I got to see last night in one of the world's sketchiest elevators... I would have taken the stairs, but that's just as bad in my mind (how do you outrun a pyscho in the stairwell?!). I spent the entire time praying the bag would not start moving.
It's not bad enough that I'm walking to my car late at night as a pretty girl, but this is what I got to see last night in one of the world's sketchiest elevators... I would have taken the stairs, but that's just as bad in my mind (how do you outrun a pyscho in the stairwell?!). I spent the entire time praying the bag would not start moving.
Mysterious Ways
An example of my husband's stupid brilliance/pure luck (and that God still works miracles):
Chris woke up yesterday remembering he was to have finished a book (that looked to be about 350 pages) before yesterday because he was to be tested on his knowledge that day. A book he hadn't even started. He has classes in the morning, so he definitely did not have time to read an entire book. Boy, was he ever in a panic!
His solution: he looked up online the theme and summary of the book (cliff notes, basically) and while WALKING to his class, he opened the book randomly to one page so that he would have a specific example he could draw from the book.
When the test was passed out, here is what that man was tested on: the first four questions were about the theme and summary of the book. The fifth question was a specific example taken out of the book. The very example he opened his book randomly to that very morning. What's worse? Those who had actually read the book were completely confused because they had read the entire contents of the book and could not remember this specific example.
Are you serious?! Granted, I said a little prayer for him because he was so worried, but I NEVER expected him to Ace the test. The Lord helps those who help themselves, and this man hardly did anything in the way of preparation... Oh, well. Counting my blessings. :-)
Also, on a completely different note, here is Christopher petting my sister's cat, Luke. We called this guy Louie because we could not remember his name. This is why we are never getting a cat...
Chris woke up yesterday remembering he was to have finished a book (that looked to be about 350 pages) before yesterday because he was to be tested on his knowledge that day. A book he hadn't even started. He has classes in the morning, so he definitely did not have time to read an entire book. Boy, was he ever in a panic!
His solution: he looked up online the theme and summary of the book (cliff notes, basically) and while WALKING to his class, he opened the book randomly to one page so that he would have a specific example he could draw from the book.
When the test was passed out, here is what that man was tested on: the first four questions were about the theme and summary of the book. The fifth question was a specific example taken out of the book. The very example he opened his book randomly to that very morning. What's worse? Those who had actually read the book were completely confused because they had read the entire contents of the book and could not remember this specific example.
Are you serious?! Granted, I said a little prayer for him because he was so worried, but I NEVER expected him to Ace the test. The Lord helps those who help themselves, and this man hardly did anything in the way of preparation... Oh, well. Counting my blessings. :-)
Also, on a completely different note, here is Christopher petting my sister's cat, Luke. We called this guy Louie because we could not remember his name. This is why we are never getting a cat...
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