Turns out, I'm a pretty fortunate gal. Who'da thunk? This has been a darn tootin' good birthmonth, and I'm only half way to my birthDAY. I have so much to be grateful for, and believe-you-me: I am. I have this whole list:
1. Chris and I got our new callings in our new wards. Chris is a Sunday School teacher for the 15-16 year olds, and I'm in nursery. Chris is a great teacher. Chris is great with kids. Chris is just great. At everything. So what? I was not called to play piano, and I was not called to lead music for anything. I'm in NURSERY! Snacks, toys, bubbles, singing time, coloring, KIDS! Best. Calling. Ever. I know a lot of people say they think this is a great calling (saying nursery is a curse is a thing of the past), but this is literally a dream come true for me. I can't even explain how excited I am to spend my Sundays with the cutest stinkin' kids in America! (I can say this because my kids aren't in America yet.) I may have cried. Maybe.
2. Chris and I have a cute little home. We have heat. We have A/C. We have electricity AND indoor plumbing (we're so spoiled). We have America's tiniest dishwasher, and we LOVE it. We have a built in table, so that saved us some money and hassle. We have a large, handicapped bathroom. There isn't a lot of counter space, but I can literally set up camp on the floor- it's like having a second bedroom (so Chris had better think twice about ticking me off!). We have about -8 inches of storage space, which may seem like a hassle, but really, it was a blessing; I had to sort through, and throw away a lot of my "treasures" (aka, trash).
What'd I tell you? Cute, huh? |
Our cute kitchen. |
America's tiniest dish washer |
3. Sunday dinner last night was a success. I cooked. And nobody got hurt. And it tasted approximately delicious. Baked chicken breasts with honey mustard, seasoning salt, and parsley leaves, sauteed zucchini, and tomatoes that were sliced and warmed. Simple, yet delicious. Yeah. I know that doesn't sound impressive to you cookers of the world. But it is. I took a poll.
4. Chris and I have been married for a month without even talking about divorce. Three cheers for marriages that last for eternity! (Do that in your head. This is not a place for that kind of giddiness.) Also, if Chris ever so much as thought about divorce... well, he knows where the bathroom floor is. Also, that was a joke. Kind of. Also, we've already been married for a month! What. Just. Happened?!
5. I asked for a puppy and didn't get one. This means to me that my hubs is better at money than my brain is. Looking at my track record (... I accidentally sent a live fish down the garbage disposal while I was cleaning his bowl... not a proud moment in my life...), spending hundreds of dollars on a dog probably isn't the best idea. Also, there's no knowing when I'll be preggo-my-eggo (*wink, wink*), so Chris made a wise decision in holding off for the time being. (I may or may not ever admit that again. You probably just witnessed history.)
Aren't I so lucky? And this birthmonth isn't even over yet! I haven't even hit the halfway point. Aren't blessings the best?!
oh no....you're letting him play video games already? Watch out! Make sure you stand your ground. Let him know who is boss. ;-)